Il sei volte campione del Mondo è sceso letteralmente in piazza per la campagna ‘Black Lives Matter’, continuando la sua denuncia contro il razzismo
Negli scorsi giorni, Lewis Hamilton è fisicamente sceso in piazza partecipando ai cortei organizzati per la campagna ‘Black Lives Matter’ a favore dell’uguaglianza tra le persone.
Del resto Hamilton è stato il primo personaggio del paddock di Formula 1 a prendere una posizione netta dopo la morte di Goerge Floyd da cui è poi partito questo movimento di massa contro il razzismo.
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Went down to Hyde Park today for the peaceful protest and I was so proud to see in person so many people of all races and backgrounds supporting this movement. I was proud to be out there acknowledging and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, and my black heritage. I was so happy to see people of all ages, sporting Black Lives Matter signs and saying it just as passionately as I was. I was also happy to see so many white supporters out there today in the name of equality for all. It was really moving. I’m feeling extremely positive that change will come, but we cannot stop now. Keep pushing. #blacklivesmatter ✊🏾 📸 @spinzbeatsinc